In the ageless vastness of the cosmos, a sinister prison comet, harboring the malevolent sorcerer Sorathis, strikes the moon, dyeing it a foreboding crimson. As shards of this celestial prison rain down upon the Aetherion, they bring both blessing and curse: a powerful, enigmatic magic, partially tainted by Sorathis’s malignant essence. Throughout millennia, this duality shapes a world of marvel and terror, where mythical beasts roam and the realms of men are divided among nine distinctive kingdoms, each bearing its own legacy, lore, and lament.
In the heart of the mountainous kingdom of Ardenthal, young Arden, unaware of his ancestral ties to forgotten heroes, unexpectedly summons a colossal Knight of the Red Moon. With this revelation, Lioris, a cosmic guardian who has shadowed Sorathis across the stars, emerges from obscurity. Lioris, though not of this world, has vested interest in Earth’s destiny and possesses the wisdom of the ages. Under his guidance, Arden, with stalwart allies Hespera and Caelan, embarks on a journey to rally the kingdoms, rediscover lost Knights, and harness the untainted magic of the comet debris.
But as Sorathis stirs once more, seeking dominion over all, the fractured kingdoms must set aside ancient rivalries and unite. Their struggles, hopes, and sacrifices form an epic tapestry, a tale of unity and destiny, of good confronting evil, in a world forever marked by the Red Moon.